Local Doctor Arrested after Writing Illegal Prescriptions Faces Federal Charges

A local doctor is now facing federal charges for writing false prescriptions for opioids—prescriptions which she ultimately filled and provided to her girlfriend. Read on to learn more about the case, and contact a knowledgeable New York drug crime defense attorney for help after an arrest.
The recent indictment was filed against a doctor specializing in obstetrics and gynecology who once practiced at an office in Hudson. According to the charges filed against her, she used her prescribing abilities to illegally obtain hydromorphone and oxycodone for a former girlfriend who was addicted to heroin.
Specifically, the indictment filed by the Department of Justice claims that the doctor used the names of acquaintances and former patients when filing prescriptions for these drugs. The criminal complaint states that she wrote over 50 prescriptions over an 18-month span for someone with the initials A.A. When interviewed by investigators, A.A. said that she had seen the doctor for a single checkup and was a former coworker of the doctor’s girlfriend, but never sought opioid drugs from the doctor as a patient. Security camera photos from the pharmacy where the prescriptions were filed show that A.A. never picked up the prescriptions, but instead that the prescriptions were picked up by the doctor’s former girlfriend, S.B., someone identified by the complaint to be a heroin addict.
The complaint also states that the doctor wrote over 40 prescriptions for someone identified as C.B. in the complaint. The doctor admitted in an interview with investigators that she had called in these prescriptions and picked them up herself to deliver to her girlfriend.
Investigators claim in their complaint that the doctor and S.B. had an agreement by which the doctor would pay S.B. in exchange for her lying on the doctor’s behalf to federal investigators. However, S.B. agreed to cooperate with investigators in order to receive a reduction in charges.
If the doctor is convicted on these charges, she faces up to 20 years in prison, a minimum of three years of supervision after her release, and fines reaching up to $1 million. Federal drug charges can not only lead to crushing fines and prison time; they can also result in the loss of professional licenses, robbing those convicted of their livelihoods even after their debts are paid. New York residents facing drug charges are strongly encouraged to seek aggressive and experienced representation from knowledgeable criminal defense attorneys.
If you’re facing criminal charges in New York and need dedicated, experienced, and trial-ready legal representation, contact the Goshen offices of the criminal defense lawyers Dupée & Monroe at 845-294-8900.