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Cannabis marijuana Leaf and Car Keys, Representing Driving Under Influence. Concept dealership, transportation of drugs, hemp and leaves

DWI vs. DWAI in New York

By Dupée & Monroe, P.C. |

Some call it driving under the influence (DUI) and some just call it drunk driving, but if you get arrested for drinking and driving in New York, the charges you face will likely either be Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI). Both charges can have significant consequences, but they differ… Read More »

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Safety seat for child in car

New York Child Car Seat Safety Laws

By Dupée & Monroe, P.C. |

Anyone transporting children knows that ensuring the safety of their young passengers is the top priority. New York’s child car seat safety laws are designed to protect children as much as possible in the event of a car accident, but the tangled web of legal requirements can be hard to follow. Below we do… Read More »

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DWI driving while intoxicated law and books.

Is DWI a Misdemeanor or a Felony?

By Dupée & Monroe, P.C. |

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense in New York, with penalties that can significantly impact your life. In most instances, DWI is a misdemeanor offense, but several factors can lead prosecutors to charge DWI as a felony. Below we explore both misdemeanor and felony DWI laws, explaining the different charges and potential… Read More »

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commonly overlooked elements in personal injury

Commonly Overlooked Elements in Personal Injury Claims

By Dupée & Monroe, P.C. |

After suffering a personal injury because of another party’s negligence, you’ll be seeking compensation for the damage done by the other party. Most likely, you (or your attorney) will be working directly with that party’s insurance company, either reaching a negotiated settlement or facing their lawyers in court if you can’t settle. Either way,… Read More »

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clean slate act, fresh start ahead sign

The Opportunity for a Fresh Start: Coming Soon to a Courthouse Near You

By Dupée & Monroe, P.C. |

Getting arrested is bad, being convicted is worse, and having to live with a criminal record years after you’ve served your sentence in jail or on parole is in many ways the harshest sting of all. Last year, New York’s progressive legislature took a landmark step toward reducing the stigma of a criminal conviction…. Read More »

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slip and fall, wet floor sign

What to Do After a Slip and Fall in New York

By Dupée & Monroe, P.C. |

Slip and fall accidents can happen in an instant but have lasting consequences. Whether it’s a wet floor in a grocery store, a crumbling sidewalk, or a poorly maintained staircase, these accidents can lead to serious injuries. Knowing what to do immediately after a slip and fall is crucial for protecting your health and… Read More »

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Police officer interrogating criminal in handcuffs at desk indoors

Can What You Post on Social Media Get You Arrested?

By Dupée & Monroe, P.C. |

In the digital age, social media platforms like Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram serve as popular public forums where users can share their thoughts, experiences, and activities. However, while these platforms offer a means for connection and expression, they also pose legal risks. As experienced criminal defense attorneys, we understand that many people… Read More »

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Information on drug addiction or substance abuse with varius pills scattered over the page.

Judicial Diversion: What Is It and How Do I Get It?

By Dupée & Monroe, P.C. |

If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges in Orange County, you may have heard of judicial diversion or alternative sentencing as a potential option. Judicial diversion, also known as diversion to treatment court, is a program that allows individuals charged with certain crimes to receive treatment for underlying issues, such as… Read More »

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Legal proceedings following a car accident involving a judges vehicle focusing on insurance coverage and claims. Concept Car Accident, Insurance Coverage, Legal Proceedings, Judges Vehicle, Claims

How Expert Witnesses Can Help in a New York Car Accident Claim

By Dupée & Monroe, P.C. |

Car accidents can have devastating consequences, leaving victims with serious injuries, medical bills, and emotional trauma. In New York, if you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you may be able to claim compensation for your damages. Doing so, however, can be an uphill battle, requiring you to… Read More »

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Mature foreman in workwear giving first aid to female subordinate in pain

Workplace Injuries, Workers’ Compensation & Third-Party Liability in New York

By Dupée & Monroe, P.C. |

Workplace accidents and injuries on the job are an unfortunate but common occurrence in New York. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, private industry employers reported 138,900 nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses in the state in 2022. These incidents can cause serious injuries, leaving employees out of work and hurting while trying to… Read More »

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